5 reasons why a virtual mental health visit is better than an in-person visit?

Telemedicine has become very popular over the last 2 decades, and Telepsychiatry is its fastest growing sector. Over the last 10 years, multiple studies have shown that Telepsychiatry is as effective as in-person visits to evaluate and manage mental health disorders in children and adults. Today, I am taking an opportunity to go one step further and propose that virtual visits in Psychiatry might actually be more effective than in-person visits. This is especially true in the current scenario where in-person visits carry the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19. Here are some of the advantages of virtual visits over in-person visits:

A therapeutic relationship with the child is built much quicker.

In my experience, during initial visits, while I am in the process of establishing a therapeutic alliance with my patients, they talk more openly about their problems and emotions in a virtual setting as compared to an in-person visit. A most likely explanation is that they feel more comfortable in the safe zone of their home. They have access to their favorite toy or their security blanket or their pet that provides comfort while talking about emotionally stressful stuff.

Virtual visits provide valuable information about the child’s family dynamics.

A good psychiatric evaluation does not require a physical examination or need to touch the patient but does require excellent observation skills. Observing a child in her home setting around her parents and siblings provides a wealth of knowledge regarding the child’s home environment and surroundings. In virtual visits, I can observe the child’s interaction with her parents, her playing style with her siblings in her natural setting, and her parents’ parenting style. These exchanges generally play a huge role in shaping a child’s personality. Hence, examining these family dynamics is a must to understand the child’s mental state, and there is no better way to do that than virtual visits. 

Virtual visits are convenient and don’t disrupt the day.

Visits are convenient as parents don’t have to block half a day from work. Kids don’t need to take time off from school for the visit, leading to fewer cancellations improving treatment compliance, and making the treatment process more effective.


Telepsychiatry can provide services where the need is the highest.

Telepsychiatry is a blessing for people living in rural communities who do not have access to a Psychiatrist in a drivable distance. Thanks to telepsychiatry, now mental health care is only a click away from them. They can see a Psychiatrist anywhere in the world from the comfort of their home.


In-person visits have some limitations in the current scenario.

Restrictions of wearing a mask and social distancing during in-person visits limit a Psychiatrist’s ability to understand the child’s body language, facial expression, and playing style, limiting the accuracy of Psychiatric Evaluation.

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